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Henrik Villard – PS I Luv U (Remixes) / MHLGRN020 / Mhost Likely

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Henrik Villard Luv U (Gordon Joe Remix) 05:19 12
2 Henrik Villard PS (Casablanca 303 Remix) 05:10 12
3 Henrik Villard Go On (Wilborn Remix) 05:36 13

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Henrik Villard
title > PS I Luv U (Remixes)
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Deephouse 

label > Mhost Likely
catno > MHLGRN020

predate > 2021-12-05
tracks > 3 
size > 36.98 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/213921232
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3318314

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Henrik Villard - Luv U (Gordon Joe Remix) 5:19
02. Henrik Villard - PS (Casablanca 303 Remix) 5:10
03. Henrik Villard - Go On (Wilborn Remix) 5:36


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Back in January 2021, 'P.S. I Luv U' EP by Henrik Villard, was 
released on Mhost Likely Green. Get right back in with three deep, 
sunlit bumpin' house remixes made by Gordon Joe, Casablanca 303 and 
Wilborn - spring vibes all over the place! 

Opener 'Luv U (Gordon Joe Remix )' is an infectious 115 bpm offering 
of splashing house patterns - synth strings and dreamy, tender 
instrumentation drift alongside bumpy beats. Casablanca 303 shows off 
his trademark piano grooves on his luscious remix of PS, and lastly, 
Wilborn has made a playful late-night groove remix of 'Go On'. 

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last nfo update 2O211027
Henrik_Villard--PS_I_Luv_U_(Remixes)-(MHLGRN020)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 38863282 // files: 3

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